EOP-Java: Syllabus

Prerequisites by topic

Understanding of Windows (and DOS) software environment, operating systems.
Understanding the Internet/WWW environment (browsers).


  1. Introduction
  2. Java Basics, Java Development Kits (JDK, SDK)
  3. Virtual Machine (VM), Java Bytecode, Compiler, Interpreter
  4. Object-Oriented Programming under Java,
  5. Classes, Objects, Methods, Parameters; Extending Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  6. Strings, Arrays
  7. Control Flow
  8. Java Applications
  9. Java Applets, AWT, Java and the WWW
  10. Exceptions, Exception Handling
  11. Interfaces, Adapter classes
  12. Threads, Multithreading *
  13. Packages
  14. The I/O Package, Streams, Reader/Writer
  15. Java Servlet Programming
  16. Java Server Pages (JSP)
  17. Java Event Handling *
  18. Standard Utilities
  19. System Programming and Native Methods *

* Optional subjects


The lab exercises have been developed to give you practice in the development of Java applications and Java applets (applications for the WWW).

Laboratory Project

  1. Familiarization with Java and the Java Development Kit (JDK).
  2. Creating Java applications . Defining classes, objects and methods. Using control flow statements. (1 week)
  3. Creating Java applets. Running applets under a browser environment.
  4. Java applets and events, event handling. AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit).
  5. Implementing Java Interfaces.
  6. Java Error handling and Exceptions.
  7. Threads, Multithreading, Synchronization of threads.

Computer Usage

PC-based computers will be used extensively.
Java language programming and testing will be performed using the computer.
All (required) lab reports will be generated using a word processor and graphical packages as necessary.
Actual format will be determined by the instructor or teaching assistant, but must remain professional in content and appearance.