Research & Development (R&D)



On this website R&D projects are published that have been realized or are currently conducted at Kiel University of Applied Sciences and/or at collaborating international partner institutions.

These projects are adequate for being executed as part of:

  • Bachelor Theses
  • Master Projects
  • Master Theses

At Kiel University of Applied Sciences the duration of these projects typically are:

  • Bachelor Thesis: 10 weeks
  • Master Project: three (3) months
  • Master Thesis: six (6) months (one full semester)



Working in teams is encouraged, just like in real-life projects. Important is that in all presentations and reports the responsible persons are clearly identified (e.g. chapter- or task-oriented).


Publishing the results:

The results of these projects have to published in adequate form, i.e. as a stand-alone report, a thesis report, a scientific/technical publication, a conference paper, etc. Different rules apply depending on the type (see below).

All projects have to be presented periodically while they are under development and after their termination (final presentation, usually with the participation of collaborating team members). When they are part of a thesis project the final presentation will be the Thesis Defense (also called "Colloquium").

Proposal, Presentation, Reports Writing (IEEE):

The following supporting material is available: