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Lecture Notes
Digital Design:
Course Timeline - Contents of Lectures
Lecture 1: Getting Started
Course Introduction
Course Schedule
Course Grading
Intro to Kiel University of Applied Sciences
Image Film Kiel University of Applied Sciences
Content Digital Design
Lecture 2: Introduction to Digital Design
History of Digital Design
Hierarchy of Computation
System Components
Development of Transistors and Integrated Circuits
Robert Noyce, Jack Kilby, Gordon Moore
Fairchild, Intel
Moore*s Law
Trends in Computing
Integrated Circuit Complexity
Analog versus Digital Signal, Why Digital?
Binary Signals, Voltage Range of Binary Signals
Introduction to Number Systems
Lecture 3: Introduction to Digital Design
Understanding Number Systems
Information Units
Decimal, Octal, Binary Numbers
Conversion between Number Bases
The Growth of Binary Numbers
Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
Lecture 4: Introduction to Digital Design
Understanding Hexadecimal Numbers
Conversion between Hexadecimal and Binary Numbers
Converting between Base 16 and Base 8
Signed Numbers
Signed magnitude, One's Complement, Two's Complement
Finite Number Representation
One's Complement Addition and Subtraction
Two's Complement Addition and Subtraction
Polyadic and B-adic Number Systems
Boolean Algebra
Areas of Boolean Algebra
Set Theory, Propositional Logic, Circuit Algebra
Basics of Boolean Algebra
Boolean Functions and Binary Functions
Lecture 5: Introduction to Digital Design
Using Sets to describe Boolean Functions
Truth Tables to describe Boolean Function
Describing Boolean Functions using Mathematical Symbols
Using switches to describe Boolean Functions
Describing Boolean Functions using Venn-Diagrams
Describing Boolean Functions using Circuit Symbols
Combining Sets
Classification of Boolean Functions
Unary Boolean Function
Binary Boolean Functions
Ternary Boolean Functions
The Basic Functions of Digital Design: OR, AND, NOT
Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra
Boolean Postulates and Theorems
Laws of Boolean Algebra
Commutative, Associative, Distributive, Identity, Absorption, Zero-One, Complement
The De Morgan Theorem
Lecture 6: Introduction to Digital Design
Exercises: Number Systems and Boolean Algebra
Lecture 7: Introduction to Digital Design
Duality Principle and Boolean Lattices
The Duality Principle
Complete Logical Systems
Universal Logical Blocks
NAND - Sheffer Function
NOR - Peirce Function
NAND Realization of NOT, AND, OR
Strongly Complete Systems
Circuit Symbols (IEC/ANSI/IEEE Standards)
Combinational Circuit Design
Combinational, Combinatorial
The Karnaugh-Veitch Diagram/Map (K-Maps)
Design Principle for larger Karnaugh Diagrams
K-Maps for up to six variables
Two- and Three-dimensional K-Maps
Lecture 8: Introduction to Digital Design
Duality Principle and Boolean Lattices
The Duality Principle
Design Examples, Double Rail System
Example for Circuit Simplification
Minterms, Maxterms
Canonical and Standard Forms
Canonical Disjunctive Normal Form (cDNF)
Canonical Conjunctive Normal Form (cCNF)
Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF)
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
Examples cDNF, cCNF, DNF, CNF
Building Groups in K-Maps
Circuit Simplification and Minimization
Lecture 9: Prime Implicants
Prime Implicant (PI)
Core (Essential) Prime Implicant
Absolutely Eliminable Prime Implicant
Relatively Eliminable Prime Implicant
Classification of Implicants
Quine Method
Minterm Table, Grouping Table
McCluskey Method
Selection Table, Reduced Selection Table
Quine-McCluskey Method
Pro/Con Quine-McCluskey Method
Lecture 10: Function Bundles, Subfunctions
Summary: Fundamental Description of Boolean Algebra
Sum-of-Products Form, Product-of-Sums Form
Special Simplification Cases: NAND "Nibbling Tool"
Pin Count
Function Bundles
Reduction of Complexity
Shared Subfunctions
Designing Selected Combinational Circuits
Code Converter: BCD to Gray Code
Decimal 7-Segment Display
Lecture 11: Decomposition of Functions
Disjunctive Decomposition of Functions
Iterative Decomposition of Functions
Example: Parity Checker
Example: Adder Circuits
Half Adder, Full Adder
Shannon Decomposition
Function Decomposition using Switches
Lecture 12: Introduction to Digital Design
Exercises: Boolean Functions and K-Map
Lecture 13: Multiplexers, Demultiplexers
Shannon decomposition using multiplexer realization
Multiplexers as Universal Building Blocks
Data Selectors
Multiplexer-Demultiplexer Application
Multiplexers: TTL Circuits (Transistor-Transistor-Logic)
TTL circuit 74x153
Multiplexer circuit symbol
LSI Technology (Large-Scale Integration)
Tristate Output, Open-Collector Output
Bus Systems
Multiplexed Latches
Binary to "1-of-n" Code
Lecture 14: Multiplexers,
Decoder/Demultiplexer Applications
Decoder in Microprocessor Applications
Decoder as Universal Logic Block
Memory-based Implementation of Digital Circuits
Memory Presentation of a Truth Table
Programmable Logical Devices (PLDs)
Programmable Logic Array
AND Array, OR Array, Fusible Links
Application Examples: PLA versus PROM
Lecture 15: Sequential Circuits
PLA and Implicants
PROM/PAL Comparison
Sequential Circuits
Circuits with Feedback
State Definition
State Diagram, State Transition Diagram
The basic Flip-Flop
Set, Reset, Store Function
Flip-Flop Applications
Timing and Logic Behaviour
Dual-Edge Control
Lecture 16: Sequential Circuits
Design of a Latch / Flip-Flop
Bistable Flip-Flop
The RS-Flip-Flop, NOR and NAND Realization
The gated Flip-flop
The gated RS-Flip-flop (gated latch)
The D-Flip-Flop (data latch)
The JK-Flip-Flop
Race-around problem
Edge Triggering
leading-edge, trailing-edge
Master-Slave Configuration
Structure of Master-Slave Flip-flops
Lecture 17: Sequential Circuits
Clock Skew
Dual-edge triggered Flipflops
D Flip-Flop, T Flip-Flop
The D Flip-Flop SN7474
Distinction Latch/Flip-Flop
Pulse Characterization
Summary: Flip-Flop Classification
Flip-Flop Transformation
Register, Shift Register (SRG)
Classification of Shift Registers
Lecture 18: Sequential Circuits
Implementation of Shift Registers
Shift Register Devices (ICs)
SRG Device 74LS194
Propagation Delay Effects
Glitch, Spike
Classification of Hazards
Logic Hazards
Functional Hazards
Single/Multi-Component Transitions
Static Hazards
Dynamic Hazards
Lecture 19: Sequential Circuits
How to avoid Hazards
Examples: circuits with hazards
Finite State Machines (FSMs) and Automata
Synchronous FSMs
Asynchronous FSMs
Lecture 20: Sequential Circuits
Finite State Machine (FSM) Terminology
FSM Stability
Definition of State
Definition of Output
Mealy and Moore Machines
Mealy and Moore Machines: Design Principles
Storage Realization of Automata
Applications of Micro programmed FSMs
Quiz: Digital Design
Lecture 21: Sequential Circuits
: Counter
Counter and Divider
Counter Specifications
Synchronous and asynchronous Counter
Ripple changing
Design of synchronous Counters
Modulo-6 Counter
Development Phases
Transition Map, Transition Table
Application Diagram
Solution with D Flip-Flops
Solution with JK Flip-Flops
Lecture 22: Sequential Circuits
: Counter
Design of asynchronous Counters
Required number of Flip-Flops and State Coding
Design of an asynchronous BCD Counter
BCD Counter as modified Mod-16 Counter
Systematic design as an asynchronous counter
Systematic design phases of asynchronous counters
Multi-stage Counters
Exam Preparation