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Course Timeline - Contents of Lectures
Lecture 1: Getting Started
Course Content
Literature, References
Course Web Site
Lab Usage
Lab Assignments
Introduction to Multimedia and Hypermedia
Vannevar Bush (
As We May Think
), Ted Nelson, Berners Lee
Ted Nelson - Xanadu
Lecture 2: Multimedia, Hypertext, Basic Tags
World Wide Web (WWW)
Markup Languages: Content, Style, Structure, Syntax, Semantics
Separation of Content from Presentation
Markup Languages: SGML, HTML, XML
Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML)
The Big Picture
HTML Syntax
HTML Document Structure: Header, Body
HTML Tags, Attributes (name/value-pairs)
Logical Tags, Physical Tags
Lecture 3: Basic Tags, Meta-Information, Special Structures (Lists, Tables), Hyperlinking
Meta Tags (META), Robots and Search Engines
Special Structures: Unordered Lists (UL), Ordered List (OL), List Elements (LI)
Nested Lists
Defining Tables: TABLE, TR, TD, TH
Modifying Tables: COLSPAN, ROWSPAN
Character Set ISO 8859-1, Special Characters
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
Hyperlinking, Anchor Tag (A)
Lecture 4: Images and Maps, Graphic Formats, MIME
HTML Color Model: RGB, 16,7M Colors, 216 Netscape Colors
Image Tag (IMG), Alignment
Graphical Formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, MNG
Images: Transparency and Animation, Compression
The Lena Story
Multimedia Data Formats: MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
MIME: Content-Type: Type/Subtype
Audio, Image, Video
Images and Navigation (A)
Defining Client Side Imagemaps (MAP, AREA, SHAPE)
Document Structures
Lecture 5: Frames, Inline Frames
Frames, Frames Structures: FRAMESET, FRAME
Columns, Rows
Adressing Frames: Naming Frames (NAME), Redirecting Hypertext (TARGET)
Inline Frames (iframe)
Frames: Legal Aspects
Reference Tables: XHTML, HTML5
Lecture 6: Introduction to XML
Introduction to XML - Extensible Markup Language
XML Technologies, SGML, HTML, XML Tree Structure
XML Languages
Well-Formed XML
XHTML Conformance
XML Namespaces - XMLNS
Valid XML, Document Type Definition - DTD
DTD Syntax, Internal/External DTD Definition
Extensible Stylesheet Language - XSL
XML Examples
Lecture 7: XML, Cascaded Stylesheet
DTD Definition
XML Schema
Introduction to MathML, Amaya Browser
Development of HTML: HTML 3.2, 4.01, XHTML
CSS - Cascaded Stylesheets: CSS1, CSS2, CSS3
Separation of presentation and content
Defining Stylesheets
Information Hiding (internal/local, external/global)
CSS Syntax: Style Commands, Style Declarations
Defining output media in CSS
CSS in meta tags
CSS format and format classes (subclasses)
Nested and independent HTML-tags
Defining pseudo formats in CSS
CSS–Format using <SPAN>
Numerical values, colors, color definitions, units
Positioning using CSS: z-order
Lecture 8: CGI, Forms
CGI - Common Gateway Interface
Defining Forms in HTML, FORM Tag
Data Transfer using the GET or POST Method
Input Tags (INPUT, Text, Radiobuttons, Checkboxes)
Input Tags and Attributes NAME, VALUE
Data Transfer using the GET or POST Method
Input Tags (INPUT, Text, Radiobuttons, Checkboxes)
Input Tags and Attributes NAME, VALUE
Special Input Tags: submit, reset, hidden, password, image
Additional Form Tags: TEXTAREA, SELECT
Writing CGI-Programs in C, Content-Type definition
CGI output (special characters)
Environment Variables (CONTENT_LENGTH, QUERY_STRING)
Using Forms to address search engines (example: MetaCrawler, Google)
Using Forms with local data handling (example: Calculator)
Lecture 9: WWW overview, Web Usability, SSI
Extensions (Tags) in HTML
Extensions: Core Functionality and Plug-Ins
Ergonomy of a web site
Style Guides (Recommendations) for Web Design
Do's and don'ts for building web sites
Web Usability, Web Style Guide, Jakob Nielsen
Web Accessibility, Barrier Free Internet
WAI - Web Accessibility Initiative
Accessibility in Germany: Bundesbehindertengleichstellungsgesetz - BGG
Barrierefreie Informationstechnik Verordnung - BITV
BITV-Requirements, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, 2.0
The Four Principles of Accessibility
HTML - long descriptions
HTML Validation, W3C Validator
Lecture 10: SSI, JavaScript
SSI - Server-Side Includes
Modified Tags (comment) to define SSI-command
Server modifications to handle SSI (*.shtml)
Introduction to JavaScript
Compiler, Interpreter
Software Life Cycle
Software Development - Waterfall Model, V-Model, Spiral Model
Structure Elements (Struktogramme, Nassi-Shneiderman-Diagrams)
Object Oriented and Object Based Programming
Java, JavaScript
Strong and Loose Typing
Special Tag: SCRIPT
Comment, Code Hiding
Basic Syntax of JavaScript, Blocks, Statements
Variables and Operators (arithmetic, Boolean)
Statements (Sequence, Repetition, Condition)
Variables and Data Types, Literals
Strings and String Concatenation
Conditional statements (if, if - else)
Lecture 11: JavaScript
Programming Loops - break, continue
Counting loops (for)
Software Development - Waterfall Model, V-Model, Spiral-Model
Structure Elements (Struktogramme, Nassi-Shneiderman-Diagramme)
Defining and using functions
Formal/Actual parameter list
Scope of a variable, Local and Global Variables
Objects in JavaScript
Object Oriented Notation (dot notation)
The Array object, Array elements, NEW operator
Special objects: document, history
Special methods (functions)
alert, prompt, document.write, document.close, history.back
Lecture 12: JavaScript
JavaScript Examples
Object properties: document.location.href
Objects and Object Hierarchy: window, document
Window methods: back(), forward(), home(), open(), close(), print()
Frames object and object hierarchy
Document object: properties and methods
Formulars and javascript
Navigator Object
appCodeName, appName, appVersion, userAgent, etc.
Development of browser-dependent code
Introduction to event handlers
Event Handling, Event Binding, Event Models
Event handler: Syntax, Examples: onClick, onLoad, etc.
javascript - Pseudo Event Handler
Evaluation of form data
Creating objects, the operator "new"
The Date-Object, managing date and time
Lecture 13: JavaScript
Math Object, mathematical calculations in JavaScript
Commonly used mathematical constants
Cookies in JavaScript
Document Object Model (DOM)
JavaScript Object Model
Dynamic HTML (DHTML): HTML, Cascading Stylesheets (CSS), JavaScript
JavaScript example: Web spoofing attack
Lecture 14: PHP, AJAX, XML
Server-Side Scripting
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Syntax, Escaping from HTML
PHP primitive types
PHP variables, special variables
Strings, Operators, conditional statements, loops
Arrays, Array Indexing
PHP functions
echo, print
Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Ajax Life Cycle
The XMLHttpRequest object
Ajax Examples: Google Suggest
Lecture 15: Introduction to Communications Systems, ISO/OSI
Introduction to Communications Systems
Basics of Communications
Modulation, Demodulation
Amplitude, Frequency, Phase
Serial/Parallel Data Communication
Synchonous/Asynchronous Communication
Bus systems and their properties
Transmission Media
Networks, Network Structures
Layered Architecture of Communication Systems
The ISO/OSI Reference Model (7 Layers)
Lecture 16: Internet Protocols
Layers, Sublayers, IEEE-802 Standard
Protocols, Protocol Stacks, Vertical/Horizontal Protocols
Framing, Encapsulation, Headers, Trailers
Transport Oriented Layers (1 - 4)
Error Detection and Correction (Parity, Checksum, CRC)
Application Oriented Layers (5 - 7)
Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways
Lecture 17: Internet Protocols
Protocol Suites, ISO/OSI - Internet (4-Layer-Model)
IP Datagram, IPv4, IP Header
IP Addressing, IP Classes A, B, C, D
NetID, HostID, Subnets, IP Address Ranges
CIDR - Classless InterDomain Routing
IPv4 Address Space, Dotted Quad
Lecture 18: Internet Protocols
TCP, TCP Header, Source/Destination Port
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
TCP/UDP Port Number Assignment, Well-Known Ports
Sockets, Association
Request for Comment, RFCs and the RFC Editor
PDU - Protocol data unit, MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit
Fragmentation and Reassembly (Defragmentation), Packet Size
IPv6, Address Space
Integration IPv4 - IPv6
Lecture 19: Internet Protocols, Cryptography
Domain Hierarchy, Fully Qualified Domain Name
Top Level Domains (TLDs), gTLD, ccTLD
Internet Governance, Internet Organisations
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN
Jon Postel
Internet History
Introduction to Cryptography
Security Requirements, Secret Writing
History, Enigma
Basics: cryptology, cryptanalysis
Cleartext, ciphertext, cryptogram
Transformation, inverse tranformation, algorithms
cryptanalysis, reconstruction of cleartext
absolut security, computational security
Vernam cipher, one-time-pad, exclusive or
Symmetric cryptography (or symmetric-key encryption)
Asymmetric cryptography (public key cryptography)
Lecture 20: Cryptography
Key destribution, Diffie and Hellman, key pai
Hybrid cryptography, secure communication
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
Triple-DES, 3DES
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rijndael
RSA (Rivest, Shamir und Adleman)
Crypto challenge
ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
RSA Algorithm - Example
Message Digest (MD) Function, finger prints
MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)
Digital signature, signed documents
Key Length
Lecture 21: Cryptography, History of the Internet
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy
Quantum Cryptography
Eavesdropping in Quantum Cryptography
QKD - Quantum Key Distribution
Security on the Internet, Internet Protocols
Encryption Systems on the Internet
SSL - Secure Socket Layer, SSL Handshake
Cipher used with SSL
TLS – Transport Layer Security
Request for Comments
BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Introduction: History of the Internet